From conference in Geneva last year, with Spanish and Mexican leaders in the Cultic Studies Field
International Cultic Studies Association's International Conference
Who should attend?
Anyone interested in cults, psychological manipulation, and related groups
former group members
people born or raised in cultic groups
families of group-involved persons
helping professionals
July 1-3, 2010
Thursday, July 1, there will be four workshops, as well as sessions in the evening. The workshops (10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.) are:
Workshop for Former Members of Cultic Groups
Workshop for Families and Others: Understanding and Responding to Cultic Involvements
Workshop for Mental Health Professionals
Workshop for Researchers
Friday, July 2nd - see detailed draft agenda
Saturday, July 3- see detailed draft agenda
Sunday, July 4, there will be a special social event.